sábado, 3 de abril de 2010



For Colombia is difficoult to enter to the globalization because it is a undeveloped country and dont count with the infrastructure and logistic nessesary to exchage comerial, economic, factor like other countries as E.U.U etc, and laws to enter to the globalization do to the fact that we dont have the capacity to produce to much and the problems important of colombia as the army conflict or like is it the narcotrafic, the ilegality and the violation of the humanitary laws, that problems make colombia cant with a positibe to the international market.


Even if colombia cant enter in to a total globalization, There are some aspects that can be globalizated, for example services like in the part of sports, or the arancel customs or laws of customs.


For colombia is not posible been globalized at the moment, colombia dont have the logistic to been globalized, but if the technology and pruccion advance colombia could enter to the globalization do to the fact that it have a big nuture richness a very good profecionals, and good products, and Colombia need to create a proyect at a large time with out taking a count the time of each goverment and making proyects for better pruduccion and the tradicional behavior and mark opening and laboral justice, To control army conflict.